Domestic Aluminium Windows: High Quality Solutions

Sternfenster Window Systems is proud to provide domestic aluminium windows that are great for any home. If you want a set of new windows, you might consider a few options. However, old wooden windows may not last as long as you’d hope, while uPVC windows don’t have as much strength or security as you may like. Aluminium windows, though, are the complete package: you can benefit from a window that performs wherever you put it.
Aluminium windows are ideal for almost any domestic application. If your main living space needs new windows, aluminium windows have slimline profiles to allow natural light and advanced double glazing to keep cold air out of your home. If you need new windows for your bathroom, aluminium windows are fully weatherproof to prevent condensation, rust and general wear and tear. And, if you need new windows for your bedroom, aluminium windows are highly secure to keep you safe at night.
By choosing Sternfenster, you can also install market-leading domestic aluminium windows for your home. We’ve partnered with Smart to offer their windows, and they’re available in a wide range of RAL colours to give you total control of the design. Not only that, you can find a local installer as part of our Approved Installer Network to fit your new windows, meaning lower prices and faster lead times! Get in touch with Sternfenster today to discover our domestic aluminium windows for yourself.
Domestic Aluminium Windows for Living Rooms
So, is domestic use the best option for aluminium windows? With these windows, you can feel confident about replacing a window in any part of your home, as these windows have no weaknesses. For example, these windows are ideal for living rooms – they allow plenty of natural light to enter your living space. Aluminium has outstanding strength, meaning we can create windows with slimmer profiles and more glazing to let the sunshine inside your home.
Additionally, aluminium windows can keep you warm while you’re at home. Smart’s durable aluminium profiles combine with double glazing, creating a high level of efficiency across the window to keep you warm and comfortable. Because of this, you can capture more of your home’s natural heat and get strong insulation from the winter cold. As a result, you can stay warm at home without using your central heating as much, saving you money on bills and reducing your carbon footprint.
Domestic Aluminium Windows for Bathrooms
Domestic aluminium windows are also useful in bathrooms, as they’re fully weatherproof. When you use your bathroom, you can often create a lot of heat from a bathtub or a warm morning shower. A consequence of this is that heat turns into steam, which can cause condensation and wear for older windows. However, aluminium windows can perform in any condition, meaning you won’t have to worry about your new window struggling inside your bathroom.
Smart’s aluminium windows have air and water-tight profiles, meaning there’s no space for any air to get through. Not only that, a durable sealant inside the window won’t wear down for decades to come, and the aluminium frames protect it from wind and rain, too. Because of this, aluminium windows can last for decades, and you won’t have to carry out regular maintenance, either. Our aluminium windows can perform for up to 50 years with no need for repair or replacement!
Domestic Aluminium Windows for Bedrooms
Finally, domestic aluminium windows are also perfect for installing in bedrooms. Not only do they keep you warm at night, but they can also reduce noise pollution from outside to help you sleep a little easier. However, the main benefit of installing aluminium windows is their outstanding security. Because aluminium is such a robust material, the frames are impact-resistant. This makes them extremely difficult to force open or dislodge the double glazing – excellent for deterring intruders, giving you peace of mind.
However, Sternfenster’s range of domestic aluminium windows goes further to protect you and your family. We ensure our windows come fitted with outstanding security hardware, including multi-point locking systems and durable gaskets that stand the test of time. As a result, an intruder won’t be able to get through your windows with even the most complex techniques. When you choose our domestic aluminium windows for your home, you gain complete confidence our aluminium windows keep you safe.
Domestic Aluminium Windows Prices
Invest in domestic aluminium windows for your home with Sternfenster today. You only have to use our simple search tool to find your closest installer in minutes. And, if you want to learn more about our aluminium windows, why not get in touch with our friendly team? You can give us a call on 01522 512 525 today, or you can use our online contact form to leave our team a message.