Which is the Best Front Door Material: Composite, Aluminium or uPVC?

Published 7 June 2024 by Sternfenster
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When it comes to choosing a front door for your home, there are several factors to consider. One of the most important decisions you’ll need to make is the choice of material. Three popular options in the market are composite, aluminium, and uPVC. Each material has its own unique characteristics and benefits. In this article, we will explore the differences between these door materials to help you make an informed decision.

Composite Doors: The Perfect Blend of Strength and Style

Composite doors are constructed by compressing and glueing together multiple materials, including uPVC, foam, wood, and glass reinforced plastic (GRP). This combination of materials results in a door that offers superior strength, security, durability, and weather resistance. Composite doors are becoming increasingly popular due to their aesthetic appeal, resembling traditional wooden doors.

is composite doors the best


Composite doors are considered one of the most secure options on the market. The solid timber core and combination of materials make them highly resistant to forced entry. Additionally, composite doors are thicker than uPVC doors, measuring 44mm compared to the standard 28mm thickness of uPVC doors.


Composite doors offer a more natural and authentic look. They come in a wide range of styles, colours, and finishes, allowing you to find the perfect door to complement your home’s aesthetic. Whether you prefer a traditional or contemporary design, composite doors can be customised to suit your taste.


While composite doors have a higher upfront cost compared to uPVC doors, many homeowners consider the long-term benefits and aesthetic appeal of composite doors to be worth the investment.

uPVC Doors: Affordable and Low Maintenance

uPVC doors are made by encasing an insulated steel frame in a plastic material called unplasticised polyvinyl chloride (uPVC). These doors offer affordability, low maintenance, and excellent thermal insulation. uPVC doors are a popular choice for homeowners looking for a cost-effective and low-maintenance solution.

are upvc doors the best


uPVC doors are generally less expensive than composite doors, making them a budget-friendly option.

Low Maintenance

uPVC doors require minimal maintenance, only needing occasional cleaning with a damp cloth to keep them looking their best.

Thermal Insulation: 

uPVC doors excel in thermal insulation, helping to prevent heat loss and potentially reducing your heating costs. They also offer a contemporary and sleek appearance, with a wide range of colours and finishes to choose from.


It’s important to note that uPVC doors may be more vulnerable to break-ins compared to composite doors. If security is a top priority for you, it may be worth considering the additional security features offered by composite doors.

Aluminium Doors: Strong & Durable

Aluminium doors are renowned for their strength and durability. They exhibit high resistance to corrosion, making them suitable for extreme weather conditions. If you reside in an area with harsh climates, such as coastal regions, aluminium doors can withstand the elements and maintain their integrity over time. Additionally, aluminium doors have a longer lifespan compared to other materials, lasting around 40-45 years.

are aluminium door the best

Modern & Sleek Design:

One of the standout features of aluminium doors is their modern and sleek design. They have become a popular trend in recent years, especially for those who prefer darker frame colours. Aluminium doors offer a contemporary look that can enhance the overall aesthetic of your home. 

Large Glazing:

Aluminium doors also allow for larger glass panels, providing ample natural light and a seamless connection between indoor and outdoor spaces.

Choosing the Right Door Material for Your Home

When deciding between composite, aluminium, and uPVC doors, it’s essential to consider your specific needs, budget, and the requirements of your home. If security and durability are your primary concerns, composite doors may be the best option for you. If affordability and low maintenance are more important, uPVC doors could be the right choice. Or if your priority is scenic views and natural light, then aluminium doors are the perfect solution.

No matter what you decide, if you’re looking for high quality front doors, Sternfenster has you covered. Our range of composite, uPVC and aluminium doors are designed to meet the highest standards of performance, energy efficiency, and security. Contact our team today for more information or to request a quote. We’re here to help you make the best choice for your home.

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