Advantages of uPVC Windows over Aluminium

Published 15 October 2021 by Sternfenster
Categories Windows

What are the advantages of uPVC windows over aluminium? If you’re looking to fit a new set of windows in your home, then you might be torn between them. While aluminium windows are maybe seen as more modern, sleeker and even more sought after, that doesn’t mean uPVC windows have some advantages over aluminium. And, with Sternfenster‘s range of versatile designs with market-leading uPVC profiles, you can get uPVC windows that outperform regular aluminium windows.

uPVC windows have plenty of advantages over aluminium ones. For example, uPVC windows are better for classic homes, with a more versatile design that allows them to blend in with homes of any age. You can also benefit from increased energy efficiency, as uPVC doesn’t conduct energy as much as aluminium frames. Finally, with uPVC windows, you can save money over installing aluminium ones, making them a more cost-effective investment for your home.

At Sternfenster, we’ve created a network of installers around the country who can fit uPVC windows. And, if you’re not convinced of the advantages of uPVC windows over aluminium, you can fit high-quality aluminium windows with the help of our installers as well. If you want to find an installer, use our simple search tool today to work out where your nearest approved fitters are. You can also ask our friendly team any questions about our uPVC windows by calling us on 01522 512 525.

upvc windows

uPVC Windows vs Aluminium: Versatility

One of the reasons uPVC windows might be better than aluminium ones depends on the home you live in. It’s because uPVC as a material is more versatile – it doesn’t have the same modern sheen as aluminium, meaning it can fit comfortably in homes that don’t have a modern aesthetic. Because of this, uPVC windows are the perfect replacement for old wooden designs in a period home. You can install uPVC windows with retro features, too, and even woodgrain foils to capture that classic look.

As a result, one of the advantages of uPVC windows over aluminium is that you can fit them in any property. You can benefit from beautiful astragal bars across our whole casement window range, and we offer both stained and bevelled glass. And, with classic, scotia beading, our uPVC windows combine function and form in a fantastic way for your property. You can also install uPVC windows if you have a more modern home, as our designs will give you the thermal performance you need.

upvc windows vs aluminium windows

uPVC Windows vs Aluminium: Efficiency

Another of the advantages of uPVC windows over aluminium is their energy efficiency. Although we can fit highly efficient aluminium windows, other aluminium designs you may find on the market struggle in cold or hot weather. It’s because aluminium windows conduct energy more than uPVC does, meaning you get less effective insulation for your home. With our uPVC windows, though, you’ll benefit from advanced double glazing and air and water-tight profiles.

At Sternfenster, we’re proud to install uPVC windows from Deceuninck, one of Europe’s leading window manufacturers. Deceuninck’s profiles have superb insulation, working to keep cold air out of your home while capturing more of your home’s natural heat. As a result, your home will be warmer and more comfortable throughout the year, and you won’t have to rely on your central heating to enjoy your home’s temperature. Not only will you save money on your energy bills, but you’ll also reduce your carbon footprint!

upvc windows over aluminium

uPVC Windows vs Aluminium: Cost

Finally, the main advantage of uPVC windows over aluminium is the cost. It’s because uPVC windows are cheaper than aluminium windows to install while providing similar performance. You can often cut the cost of your windows by up to 20% when you fit uPVC over aluminium, and you can get a lot of the same benefits. When it comes to your home’s security, for example, Sternfenster can offer uPVC windows that are BSI accredited, have high-security internal beading and multi-point shootbolt locking and Secured by Design approval.

And, with Sternfenster, you can stay in control of the price of your uPVC windows. All of our designs are customisable, meaning you can pick unique options to help you design your windows around your home’s style and your budget. We can offer advanced, fully functional hardware, including superior gaskets, hinges and locking systems. You’ll also install them with a local company approved by Sternfenster, meaning lower installation costs and reduced travel times!

Discover the Advantages of uPVC Windows over Aluminium

If you’d like to learn more about the advantages of uPVC windows over aluminium, get in touch with Sternfenster today! You can give our friendly team a call on 01522 512 525 to speak to us about any of your ideas and get answers to any questions you may have. And, by using our find an installer function, you can see which installers are closest to you and will offer you the best deal on Sternfenster’s uPVC windows and even our aluminium windows! We look forward to helping you create a better, brighter home.

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